Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yeah for Football!!

Justin has been preparing big time this week for finals coming up next week, and I'm sure he will do great! The highlight of our week happened on Saturday, which was a very full day. Levi woke up at 5 AM, so it started early. We then prepped our house to get a Christmas tree (making room and what not). Justin sat and played trains with Levi who was in heaven! Since he woke up early, Levi took an early nap (9:30 to be exact!). While he slept Justin and I tried to relax a bit. But as soon as he woke up we went and got our Christmas tree. We brought it home and then headed out to Salem. We spent the whole afternoon and evening at Justin's sisters home. Levi had a blast with his cousin who is just six months older than him. There were some disagreements about toys, but all in all he had fun! They even wrestled around together (which neither of them have done before!) It was so cute to watch them. Justin and I also watched the Civil War game there, and for the first time since 1993 the visiting team won... and it was the BEAVERS!!! They pulled it out in double overtime, it was a tense game to watch. The final score was 38-31. Towards the end of the game Justin and his sister's husband went to watch Neil play in the semi-finals. We all were planning to go but the weather wasn't being friendly, so his sister and I stayed behind with the boys. Justin and Braydon came home shortly after half time when the score was 40 - 0, West Albany winning. Neil won the game 46 - 0. So now on to State next week to play Glencoe (a high school up by the Wilsonville area). Another full weekend coming! After they came home we ate some pizza and headed home. We got back around 8:30 or so, and Levi fell asleep on the drive home. Justin and I caught another game or two on TV and headed to bed ourselves. Busy day, but a great time!

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