Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I am finished (for now) with the railway I made Levi, and I thought I would share with you!

Also, I wanted to let all know concerned (because I sure was) that Levi has completely broken out of his 'Daddy' phase. Don't get me wrong, he still adores his dad, but I think the split is pretty even now. He gets excited to see me, and sometimes when he with his dad or my mom or someone, he'll ask for me. I'm thrilled to have my little boy back! He is speaking a lot more now. Although he still has a long way to go, we are very slowly progressing into two word or three word sentences. He knows one to ten really well, and he knows the alphabet tune, just not all the letters. Justin wants him to be able to know his whole alphabet, all his main colors, and one through ten by the time he is two. He has one out of three so far (he calls everything green right now). I told Justin good luck! Another cute thing Levi has done lately is he has emptied the shoe rack by our door and climbed on it to try and reach the keys so that he can unlock the door and go outside. No worries though, he can't reach the keys, and even if he could, the key holes are on the outside and he doesn't know how to unlock them from the inside. Anyway, I still think he is pretty smart to know to use keys to open a door! Here is my evidence...

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