Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Baby

So we had some excitement (for us) this past week. Levi has done his usual antics... being cute. Yesterday I caught him playing random keys on the piano and singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". I wish I could have caught it on video, but I wasn't quick enough. Also yesterday my mom lit some candle at dinner and he sang the happy birthday song and tried to blow out the candles. Moments like that you just smile and tell him he is cute!

Last Wednesday Justin and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary (for those curious, we are celebrating our Temple marriage because neither of us broke our covenants while divorced, so we were always sealed... besides, if we celebrated the civil union Levi would think he was had out of wed-lock, and he certainly wasn't). I sent Justin some flowers at work, and he got me a nice bath pillow (with my nausea I've been taking a lot of baths lately). I wasn't feeling well that day, so we didn't do much. In fact Justin went to his brother's track meet while I went and ran errands with my mom. We did go out to dinner on Friday night though. We took Levi to his cousin's in Salem and we went to Olive Garden. I did okay, but we had to sit at Justin's sisters afterward to settle my stomach before heading home.

Saturday Levi and I went with my parents (Justin had work) to something called AgFest. Think Farm Bureau and FFA stuff. We had a good time, and Levi had a blast. My sister brought her kids, and he always has fun when cousins are around. I spent most of the time sitting because I felt faint, but I think that was because I had not had much too eat that day. No matter, Levi had a blast and passed out when we got home.

On Monday I had my first appointment for the new baby, and they couldn't find the heartbeat so they did and ultrasound. It is the second time I have been able to see the little lima bean, but Justin couldn't be there again. I had them print out a shot for him, but as you can see there isn't much to look at. Being only 10 weeks, the little guy is still small. I did get to see him do a little dance for me. She/he was moving like crazy (they think that is why they couldn't find the heartbeat), arms and legs were moving all over. The midwife was surprised by the amount of movement, but after Levi and his constant (almost non-stop) movement, I was not shocked at all. In fact, I don't think Levi has stopped moving since he started in my belly.

Well that has been our week. Hope you all had a great one too!

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