Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Who knew that blowing into a plastic cup would be hysterical? My son loves it! He came up to me the other night and held the cup up to my mouth, so I blew softly in it. He started to laugh... so I blew harder, and he went into full hysterics! He kept holding up to my mouth so I would blow, and when I did he would laugh so hard he was on the ground. Then he would get up and do it all over again. This lasted about half an hour. By the time we ended my lips were aching!
Levi is also in that stage where he repeats what you say, and it is so cute sometimes! Last night Levi slept in the bed with me, which doesn't leave much room for Justin, so he slept on our hide-a-bed. When Levi woke up he smiled at me and just laid there cuddling for a bit (kicking my thigh all the while), and then sat up and looked around. After squinting, rubbing his eyes, and looking around again he asked, quite clearly, 'Where's Daddy?' I think he has learned that because we often play the game 'Where's Levi?' with him. But it was so precious this morning to hear him say that. I then took him out to his dad where we just repeated, 'Daddy' over and over again! What a little sweetheart I have!

1 comment:

Marlies said...

DAPHNE!!! How are you? Your little boy is a doll. I too have a little boy and he LOVES his dad. He used to be a momma's boy, but ever since I stopped with the nursing daddy wins out all the time. I guess I was only good for the milk!
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