Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Learning New and Cute Things

In the English language and many others we have words that sound the same, but mean different things... such as two and to or fair and fare, and many more. Well the same is true of baby language. My son has been saying 'bus' a lot lately, and pointing at things he knew weren't busses and calling them one. I would always correct him and yet he would still insist it was a bus. Well today we were in the car and pointing at things and saying what they were. He knows how to say tree, so when I got to that he was right on. Then he started calling it a bus and I had to correct him again. I said, 'No that's a tree.' And he replied, 'Usa Tree!' It then dawned on me that sometimes when I think he is saying bus he is actually saying 'That's a ...' (fill in the blank). I can tell that teaching him to talk is going to more challenging that I thought, but what mother doesn't have these moments?

Later in the day we visited my sister again in the hospital and saw her little girl. Levi was fascinated by her crying (which was surprisingly soft). He didn't like the confined space too much and became rowdy quickly. The tantrums didn't stop all evening. We went to my mom's house to help her can some tuna my uncle caught and he just screamed and thrashed about until he felt he had full attention, and even then he would scream. I don't enjoy canning the tuna, mostly because of the smell, but it does provide free tuna for almost a year (until we can again). However I had to call the night short and head home with my unhappy boy. Once we got home I talked to him sternly stating that he needed to be nicer to people and more cheerful. I also explained that screaming and throwing tantrums was not the way to get what he wanted. I don't know how much he understood, but he did know I was upset with him because he frowned the whole time. I then gave him a kiss and asked for one in return. It took a little coaxing, but he did give me a little kiss. Once that was over he was happy as a clam and chatted all the way up to the apartment! He can be so cute sometimes!

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