Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cleaning is Never-Ending!

So we are trying to get Levi to like hats again, especially with winter coming up. Here are some shots of him attempting to wear a hat. He usually keeps it on now for about 5 minutes or less before ripping it off. That is an improvement from the 5 seconds! Also notice the trains? Yeah, Levi loves his trains... he drives them all over the house, tables, beds, me and Justin, anything he can! It is cute!

I am also beginning to wonder if I am obsessed with cleaning or if cleaning non-stop is just part of mother-hood. I know some moms who just let the house become a pigsty before cleaning, but I can't stand messes like that in my home. I am cleaning everyday, and for a couple hours each day. The only exception is if I am not feeling well. So does that make me obsessed? I mean I am cleaning up toys probably four or five times a day... is that a bit much? I think I am just a clean mom with an 18-month-old!

1 comment:

Marlies said...

I think that you are a typical mom. I have to admit at times I feel I am the mom who just lets it go because I am SICK of the cleaning. While there is clutter at times I cannot stand filth and dirt. I think as long as you take time for things besides cleaning you are fine. That is if cleaning isn't keeping you up to blog at midnight! *tisk* *tisk*