Thursday, September 27, 2007

Through His Eyes

We all have heard the sayings 'Children are gifts from God' and 'Children are blessings' and I would have to agree with both. However I think we often forget why these sayings are true. Children are here to help us be better people. They humble us. They teach us patience. They teach us tolerance and unconditional love. They remind us there is more to life than fancy cars, diamond rings, big fancy houses, and designer clothes. They remind us what it is like to be a child: teachable, peaceful at heart, non-judgemental, sweet to the core, humble, submissive, compassionate, and kind. Their smiles can brighten the darkest of times. Their laugh can make any foul mood disappear. And their sweet spirit is enough to overcome even the lowest of self-esteems. They don't care if your vacation is to a villa in Tuscany or to the local park. They can play with a balloon, straw, and plastic spoon for hours. In their minds, no matter where you are, no matter when, the possibilities are always endless. I look at my son and am constantly reminded how closed minded, proud, stubborn, grumpy, and selfish I can be. Today Levi came up to me while I was napping and crouched way down by my face and said softly, 'Mama.' It was enough to wake me out of even a deep sleep (which I was was not). He has never called me that to my face, I have always been 'Daddy', so to hear those words made me smile so big! It made my whole day! And if that wasn't enough, later on we were listening to country music from the TV, and a picture of Faith Hill came on and he pointed and said 'Mama' again. It made me smile to think that he could see a little bit of me in her. I would love to see how I really look to Levi. To see things through his eyes for one day would probably change my perspective on a lot of things. Instead I think I will just try harder to see things the way He does (my Father in Heaven that is).

1 comment:

Marlies said...

Well stated. I'm glad that you brought these things to my mind. It's true that you don't have to have a lot of money or things or even be the greatest person because in their eyes you are all those things and so much more!