Monday, September 24, 2007

Words Levi Says

So I am compiling a list of words Levi knows how to say and knows their meanings. This is more for records than your enjoyment, but have fun!
Daddy, Nana, Papa, click, push, pull, pat, clap, bus, car, truck, tractor, yummies, ni-night, one, two, three, Choo-Choo, train, cow, moo, baa, kitty, pretty, please, thank-you, doggie, woof, up, down, done, cookie, chip, candy, tree, roar, go, bye, hi, hey-you, blue, red, purple, yellow, pray, boat, plane, wow, cool, yes, no, yea, ball, baby, neh (horse sound), oink, silly, bird, tweet, and outside.

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