Saturday, September 8, 2007

Good Times and Bad...

On Saturday we had our ward party at the local swimming pool. Levi had a blast, and although he was tired, he smiled and ran amuck! I forgot my camera, so no pictures... sorry!

My college football weekend didn't go so hot... Oregon State, Michigan, and BYU lost...however Nebraska won, and that was a great game. Justin was pleased because the Ducks won as well. The Bulldogs (West Albany, Justin's brother's team) won their game 49-6. They were up 42-0 at halftime and 21 of those points we due to their defense and turnovers! It was a great game for the Bulldogs. Neil didn't get too much action, but what he did get were good plays. His team looks great and definitely has one of the best defenses in the state.

I'm sure many mom's can sympathize with their children going through the 'daddy' phase. Well, Levi seems to be going through that for almost a year now. I keep hoping one day he'll ask for me. He does know how to says 'momma' but hardly ever does. However these last couple days I have caught a glimpse of what I am hoping will be a break through. Friday at the game he was being held by Justin and I was walking away to use the restroom. I had been standing about ten feet away from him to begin with, talking to Justin's sister. As I walked away I heard a familiar screech. I turned and saw Levi reaching for me. Justin wasn't paying attention, so he just kept holding him. So I pointed at him and he pointed back, I waved and he waved back. I then ran toward him and he just giggled. Justin finally caught on and put him down. He then ran toward me and chased me to the restroom. Justin was following him and let him run around while I used the restroom. He kept trying to get in to see me. When I came out he was right there with a big grin on his face. Then yesterday when he woke up from his nap I went in to get him and he snuggled into my chest and kept saying 'daddy' over and over. So I took him out and showed him to his dad. Well, to my surprise, he didn't let go of me and came and sat down with me and snuggled for about ten minutes. It was just what I needed from him! Amazing how such a little guy can share such big love!

1 comment:

Marlies said...

Did you write that part about the 'daddy phase' or did I? Braxton is totally that way. While it does make me a little sad I love that it makes Kent feel so loved. I do have some bad news for you though. Kent nephew is three and still in the 'daddy phase.' We may just always be cast aside. I guess that's the part of a mother... until mother's day once a year. ha ha ha