Monday, October 1, 2007

Same Old...

So as a quick update, Justin's brother Neil won another game (yea!) against their rival team (31-0). He had several great tackles, and after the game another scout stopped by and chatted with him, as well as the local newspaper. He had another article on Saturday in both the Albany paper and the Oregonian. As for college football Oregon and OSU lost. But then again, Michigan, Nebraska, and BYU won. And, Notre Dame lost! So it wasn't a horrible day. We had Justin's younger siblings over for the afternoon, and it was nice to spend some time with them. Levi loves seeing his aunt and uncles.

On Sunday Levi had fun trying on my shoes and walking around. He was quite the big boy! He now knows how to count to ten by ear. If you go through it with him, he will count with you. He is quite proud of himself too! His vocabulary seems to double daily! However, his tantrums seem to double too. He usually does alright in nursery at church, but yesterday he just kept throwing a fit and wanted me or Justin the entire time. I have a feeling we'll see more of this before we see less. We did start some new Sacrament meeting rules yesterday, and although Justin still took Levi out three or four times, I think it might actually work! I was impressed with his behavior while he WAS in the meeting!

Well I am preparing this week for Justin's 25th birthday. I have a few great ideas, and I'm sure this will be a birthday he won't forget! (And I don't have to try and top it until he's 50! Just teasing!)

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