Friday, October 5, 2007

Catching Up

On Monday night Levi and I went to a group FHE that some of the young families in our ward at church were putting on. After this one, which was a great success, they decided to have it once a month! It was great getting to know the other young families from church, and the kids that Levi will be playing with at church. Levi had a blast and I think he really enjoyed playing with all the kids.

Tuesday was laundry day, but Levi was pretty cute. Every time I would lay down he would jump on my back and ask me to take him around like a horse. He would got nuts every time I did it!
Wednesday I babysat one of my friend's little girl. She is just a few months younger than Levi and quite the little doll. She made me miss my niece from Chicago, although her personality is nothing like Ashlie's. The little girl's name is Lucy, and she is so peaceful and yet so fun! She didn't fuss at all while her mom was away! Besides, Levi was in heaven to have a playmate at home.
With my new calling I am preparing to teach a class in November to the ladies of the church in my area. I will be teaching them how to decorate clear glass ornaments. I've done it before, and it is fun learning new ways to do it. I am also self-appointed to be in charge of a playgroup for my ward. I am excited about this one, because with the rainy months coming, Levi will need to get out more often. I hope to have it twice a week, but we'll see how my response is from the young mother's in the ward. I think I am also going to suggest that if anyone wants, they can bring kids they are babysitting, grandkids who are visiting, etc.

Thursday was Justin's birthday and it was a full day! I let Justin sleep in (which is only about an hour past when he normally does) and made him breakfast in bed. I served a egg scramble with tomatoes, turkey, cheese, onions, and well, eggs! Then once we were up and ready we went for a hike as a family, one of Justin's favorite things. We then came home, relaxed, Justin did some homework, and Levi napped. My mom then treated us to lunch. Afterwards I took Justin fishing. He has been dying to go fishing for a long time now, so I thought it would be perfect! He had a blast, even though he didn't catch anything. Perhaps we can go a little later when the steelhead and river salmon are more in season. After fishing I made chicken fajitas for dinner (Justin's favorite meal). We then just relaxed and ending the evening with a movie of Justin's choice. All in all, I was pleased with how smoothly the day went!
Today, Friday, Levi and I spent some time with my mom, as we usually do on Fridays. Justin came home from school and crashed. We all had a few busy days, so I am catching up on some blogging while he sleeps. We have another game for his brother to go to tonight, so we'll see how it all works out! Go Bulldogs!

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