Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Cuteness of a Boy

So today in church, Levi did a couple cute things! While a member of our bishopric was giving announcements, he would pause briefly in between announcements. Levi took this to mean we were sustaining people, as he has seen us do before, and would raise and lower his right arm. He did it every time there was a pause. He had me, Justin, and my dad cracking up. He also had discovered Justin's tie, so Justin pointed out Levi's tie to him. Well, this was not the best thing because then Levi remembered he did not like his tie and wanted it off. So he would pull and tug at it, and then just pulled and pulled on it screaming 'Pull, pull, pull!' in the middle of the meeting. Needless to say he was taken out. Speaking of which, our new found technique (thanks Alicen) of punishment for disobedience to Sacrament meeting rules, seems to be working. Basically we have a list of ten rules, and if someone intentionally breaks one of these rules they are taken out and put in 'confinement'. Confinement is just Justin holding Levi's arms and legs tight enough so he can't squirm, but loose enough so he can breathe obviously. You then talk soothingly to them and explain what they did wrong and why that is not okay. You then help them calm down. And, when they are completely calm they are welcome back into the meeting. The first week we did this Levi was taken out probably ten times. But today he was taken out twice I think, and was mostly wonderful when he was in the meeting, and obeyed most of the rules. Nursery was another story. He screamed and cried so much! However, the people in the Nursery were troopers and said they would not bring him out unless he was injured or something of the like. I think that worked the best because when Justin picked him up he was fine. I had checked in on him a couple times and he was still fussy, but apparently the constant lack of momma and daddy helped him get past his worries and just enjoy himself. Hopefully as weeks go past we will have less and less screaming and more and more enjoyment!

1 comment:

crooksportsnet said...

I actually voted for myself twice from different computers =) I might do it again =)