Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Beautiful Weather

Well here in Oregon it has been beautiful lately! Nice weather, about 65 degrees, sun shinning, cool breeze, clear blue sky! Glorious! I went for a walk with some friends yesterday, and Levi had a ball! I found out one of my friends, Robin, is pregnant! Yeah for her! I think most of my friends or family is pregnant now! That is so awesome for everyone! I have this sneaking suspicion that my sister-in-law Nia is pregnant too, but I'm sure she would protest this idea! I'll try and get some pictures of the trees around here that leave you speechless!

Today I made chocolate covered marshmallows, and caramels from scratch. My friend's caramels came out perfect, but I cooked mine a bit too long, so they are a bit too hard. They'll be good to dip apples in and such, but not for eating. I'll try another batch some other time. Hope you all are having a wonderful fall and Halloween!


Zach 'n' Jack said...

Hey, you must have gone to Target!! Our boys have that shirts too :-) Gotta luv our mummies! Happy Halloween!

The Deans said...

Ha ha that is funny. Skipper said-What business of it is yours to be having sneaky supicions. Good times!